Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brisbane... Probably part one i'm on the clock :)

After being scooped up by Becca and Evelyn and meeting new edition to the Beswicks, 8 month old Harry, we headed up to Brisbane from the Gold Coast.

There have been so many fun things that we managed to cram into the last week so i'll try and keep this brief but cover all the highlights.

We went to a local wildlife park that specialise in indigenous and native animal species on display including a very active rescued, orphaned platypus named Daffy and some paddymelons...

and a very large wombat...

It was really good fun and Evelyn was running around so excited yelling "come here, have you seen this?" and then running on to the next one and saying the same thing, it was hilarious!  Her child enthusiasm was completely contagious!

The next day Evelyn went to school so Becca, Harry and i took a little road trip to Redcliff, which looks out over Moreton Bay and on a clear day you can see Stradbroke Island although today was a grey day so we went for a coast walk and appreciated the fresh air..

In Redcliff also spotted a strange phenomenom which was cyclists wearing cable ties on their helmets to protect them from skydiving birds attacking them!! So that was scary

Afterward we drove down the coast road and then went in land to Dayboro a very cute country town with yet another good steak sandwich - (I figure i won't be having much red meat when i get to Tuvalu so i'm stocking up!)

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