Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Work has commenced!

Talofa from sweltering Tuvalu!

Apologies that I haven't posted anything in a while but work got busy! I've been given the lead on a funding bid for AusAID for a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project totalling between $2-10 million dollars!! Which is nice! And the deadline is the 24th August! So myself and another volunteer here at TANGO have been meeting with as many stakeholders as possible to develop the activities to be included, and its been a bit hectic - as much as it can be in Tuvalu!

In between being very busy at the office...

I've also been out and about looking at some of the less picturesque parts of Tuvalu...

This is one of the 'dumps' at the northern end of the main island, that shows the current 'management' or lack of waste management that is employed by the Tuvaluan government.  There is an EU funded project underway to help them find alternative (and better) mechanisms to deal with the rubbish that they generate and TANGO is getting involved to deliver the Community Awareness-raising and behaviour change elements of that project = which is something else i'll be getting involved with!
But enough of the negative - it also looks like this...

I've got many more photos to add from exciting things that happen in Tuvalu including community feasts and "Plane Days"... so I will aim to do another post very soon! I'm being slightly hampered by work (how rude!) and the internet :)

Missing everyone loads by the way!! xxx

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