Tuesday, July 24, 2012

By popular demand more photos

Talofa (Hi) from Tuvalu!

Due to some of you being very demanding and me seeming to have internet access at the moment I am going to attempt to put up more photos!  No more to report at the moment other than work is starting to get good! Getting my teeth into a big funding application already which i'm very excited about!! But anyway here goes my attempt at photo uploading...

This is the view from the hotel's restaurant on the main island of Funifuti - which i'm staying on!

Us getting ready to load the boats last sunday for our trip over the other side of the lagoon for bbq, fishing and some snorkelling and scuba-diving!

And this is my room on the day I arrived! :) It was before I realised i'd be sharing it with mosquito's, ants and cockroaches! But i've even got used to them now :)

More soon... as the internet allows!

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