Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gold Coast and the mighty Geelong Cats!!

So its been a while since my last entry mainly because i've been busy in Brisbane having fun with Becca and Glen and the kids.  But now in Fiji sitting in my hotel for a few hours before i head back to a airport and off to Tuvalu tomorrow morning!

This is a summary of some of the fun that was had in Queensland! First i travelled to the Gold Coast with Rach for drinking and some dancing and more importantly some football (Aussie Rules (AFL) for all my 'followers' at home - by the way, followers sounds so weird!)

So we drank some cocktails and ate my first Aussie BBQ, lounged in the jacuzzi and pool at the hotel looking up at the skyscrappers, hunted for footballers for Rach, and walked on the beach as i got to enjoy my first bit of good weather since i got to Australia!

Had an amazing hungover pre-football lunch with one of the most amazing view from the surf club at Broadbeach.

And then we were off to the home stadium of the Gold Coast Suns to watch them play our mighty Geelong Cats!!! WOOOO!!!!

It was a fun but tenser game than anticipated but a good laugh!

We then went back to the unit (flat/apartment) for take out curry that was yummy and the Wimbledon men's final... oh and some more wine!

Next stop Brisbane :)

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