Monday, July 23, 2012

Life of the Coconut!

I have arrived in beautiful Tuvalu!

This is likely to be a short entry as i'm intending to put up photos and Tuvalu although picturesque is technologically challenged and so the internet is intermittent!

I'm settling in nicely with my very friendly and welcoming Tuvaluan family and they are feeding me well and trying to teach me some Tuvaluan.  Turns out there are other volunteers here mainly Australian but one British guy as well that is here as a "Scout Ambassador"! Such a cool title!

The first day I was here they had arranged a welcome dinner and the President of the NGO i'm working for told me that I better get used to the "Life of the Coconut" - when pushed for an explanation he said, "You can't rush a coconut, when its ready it will fall and then you can't hold it back, but if you try to pick it before its ready it won't be good!" Tuvalu time is like the life of a coconut! And I need to adjust!

Here are a couple a photos from my first 5 days in Tuvalu...

Bluefin trevally!!! I caught it and then ate it for dinner! It was lovely!!!

 I hope to add more photos and details soon but for now I've really got to do some work :)

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